Wednesday, October 29, 2008

WeDn3sd@y th3 29th

Hi special friends :) Today was a super cool Wednesday the 29th! It all started when I woke up from a so real dream . . .

"Now, if she does it like this Will you do it like that Now, if she touches like this Will you touch her right back Now, if she moves like this Will you move like that Come on Shake, shake, shake, shake, shake it Shake, shake, shake, shake, shake it" Rang my ringtone, waking me from my so real dream. I was a little sad to wake up and find out that what was happening a minute or two ago was a dream, but enthusiastic to start my wonderful Wednesday the 29th. So I hopped right up and Shabam! There I was on the Wednesday the 29th bus! (Which was ten minutes late). "Well? Why is this wednesday so special?", You ask with a tone.

Today is Cayli's birthday! My werewolf sister :P LOL Today is Candace's birthday! She is so neat :) Like yeah like nuclear cool. Today Tyler wore the coolest shirt I've ever witnessed in my life! Today I ate cake for lunch! Today I took twenty minutes ripping my closet inside out to find something to wear! Today I passed in a math quiz without answering any of the questions! Today I tripped piteously over a cement block! Today I learned how to finger pluck on guitar! Today I couldn't see a thing! Today was Wednesday the 29th! And I also found out what happens to an egg if you soak it in vinegar. Its really interesting actually.
Oh, and BTW, Bryce Oneill Miller boy likes Katy Perry better than Gerard Way, Mikey Way better than Gerard Way, and Thomas the train better than Katy Perry. That list could have actually gone on forever haha I asked a lot of questions.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

HoT N CoLd :D

TEEHEE :D Me and Tia one of bestest friends in the whole universe and japan made up a dance to this song, and it's so fun!! Lots of people at school like doing it too :)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

So R@nDoM

I just thought this was cute! So I decided to post it. Don't we all just want to be undercover agents with nerf guns and x-box headseats? :D Well I don't know about you but I would definitely go to school like that. No matter how silly it would be, it would work out in my cranium :P

That's also the problem with todays kids. A lot of them are afraid to express individuality (if thats even a word :p) LOL! Last year that was a big problem. This year though, its a lot better. So much individuality! Pretty much all my friends have their own crazy style :) Im proud. Thank you dear friends!
And for those of you who are frightened to wear that odd peice of clothing that has been sitting in your closet for decades, put it on. Work it! Don't care if other people think its strange, because secretly, theyre just jealous that they don't look like that :D HAHA well sort of. Still, just work it, and let the rest fall into place. It will soon become a fashion statement. And you'll be happy you listened to me.

Remember: Heels on little kids, cute! Heels on grown men, ICK! (Except for that one picture of Mikey Way on google search, that's pretty silly.)

Also, just be SILLY!

These kids did a GREat job of just that :D the prize goes to Justin!!!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Sh@DoW and DoGg!eS

"WhAT's THAT?!", you shout, hair shooting up in all directions while jumping three feet off the ground. Don't be alarmed, fellow civilians. That's no dinosaur ;D. That be my new doggy Shadow! Shadow Night Avenue Cullen Way the 2nd, would be his full name. Wuzzle (Wuzzle Hurley London Mutley the 3rd) had a really long name, so we decided Shadow should too. It would only be fair :) OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG Speaking of Wuzzle, I found out what happened to that dang dog. OHKAYE, you ready for this?

Right. SO, in third hour social studies I was talking to my person I sit by, Bryce. Somehow we got on the topic of dogs, so I told him Wuzzle's story. Haha funny thing is, his face lit up like an explosion of christmas lights in a dark alley. It turns out that Bryce actually had Wuzzle for about two weeks, and then gave him to the HUMANE SOCIETY! Well . . . wow. Just wow. I guess I'm happy to know that at least he's probably alive and safe inside a happy house. Unless some creep got him. Let's hope not ;P

Shadow :D is a dork.

Monday, October 13, 2008

DoN't M3sS W!Th MY Do0r

See that? Yes'm that big thing on my door? That's a high-tech video peep hole device. Yes, you heard me. HAHA I'm just kidding. That thing is a peep hole though, and that's me! TEEHEE! Ever since that thing got installed on our door my people like playing in it. Today Ty got really close to it and when he knocked on the door he looked like a marshmallow head :) This thing is a major delight to my cranium. And you better not mess with my door, because I can see you.

And if you do mess with my door, this baby shall throw apples at your face. Have a dandy day!